Sensing the senses: Aesthetics, Aisthesis and Media of Embodiment

Researchlecture and book presentation at the Department for Arts and Musicology

15:15 - 16:15
[0023EG0036] Hörsaal HS 23.02, Mozartgasse 3, Erdgeschoß

The Department of Art and Musicology is delighted to invite you to the lecture and book presentation "Sensing the senses: Aesthetics, Aisthesis and Media of Embodiment" by Prof. Dr. Sabine Flach.

Current research in numerous disciplines is dominated in many of its fields by topics and questions whose basis is characterized as 'embodiment'. The embodiment approach replaces Cartesian dualism, i.e. the ontological differentiation between soul, mind and body, with a conception of cognition as an embodied and situated process. In all these - often very disparate - approaches, the arts themselves show not only that they play a decisive role in this theorization, but also that they can provide very specific approaches to the theorization of embodiment, explicitly from an approach that encompasses practice-oriented implementation as well as material and performative aspects. In her lecture, Sabine Flach will provide insights into her research work and the resulting book, which analyzes the inherent dignity of art and its own epistemes in various chapters.